Birth rates dropping in Germany, Sweden, Taiwan, China
Real science means looking at all sides of the data.
After the vaccine has been given for over a year, Germany is experiencing a strange decline in births in the first quarter of 2022, totally inconsistent with their experience in recent years. Link:

Remember, 2022 is only half over for those 2022 statistics. That’s a significant birth rate decline for only a half year.
And on June 26, 2022: Depopulation of Taiwan; 23% birth rate drop in Taiwan. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth. An 8 sigma event would happen only once in 803 million days.
Taiwan gov't report:
Sweden's birth rate is dropping after the jab rolled out.
After the vaccine roll out, the number of babies born in China continued to shrink last year in a decade-long trend, official data showed Monday, as a declining workforce adds pressure to the ruling Communist Party’s ambitions to increase national wealth and global influence. Some 10.6 million babies were born, down 12 percent from the 12 million tallied for 2020, the National Bureau of Statistics reported.
China’s birth rate drops to record low.
Post-vax birth rate in Hungary drops also. Q1 of 2021 to Q1 of 2022, birth rates down 21%. From Q2 of 2021 to Q2 of 2022, birth rates down 5.8%. The Q1 is more significant.
In Cambodia, the fertility rate is also down.

Japan sees 10% fewer births after vax rollout.

Netherlands reported a 6.3% decline with 53,090 births between January and April 2022 compared to 56,671 births during the same period in 2021.
And even more
Birth rates plummet in Germany -14%, Greece -12%, Hungary and Finland -11%, UK -9%. Mongolia -20%, Ukraine -17.6%, Thailand -8.6%.
Birth rate gauge summarizes growth or shrinkage of birth rates in many countries.
This all corresponds to after the vaccine rollout. The first vaccines appeared in the US in December 2020. Could it all be coincidence?