The media calls it COVID-19. I think these people are the vaccinated who are dying from normal flu. There were 2 videos I watched on another device, I cannot find the 1st video. Here’s the second I watched.
Xi has former CCP leader arrested (not Jiang Zemin, it was Hu Jintao, he is now reported dead). Later CCP relaxes restrictions. After CCP relaxes lockdown, COVID-19 Out of Control in China, Reports Estimate 248 Million Infected in 20 Days. Or about 17% infected. Other people estimate some cities have 50% infection rate.
The other video.
From other videos, hospitals, fever clinics, morgues, funeral homes, and crematoriums are overwhelmed. There is a 1 month wait on crematoriums. There is no medicine in the stores, it's all bought out. But is this all a fake narrative? In another video a man announces that the Chinese gov't says it's just a cold. There is oddly, no news on what percent of the sick or dying are vaccinated. Based on other articles from other countries, 80-90% or more of people in the hospital with flu-like symptoms are the vaccinated. That’s a very significant amount.
Let’s review the order of recent events.
2022-1007. Biden issues new rules to cut off microchip supply to China. Two new rules from the Commerce Department will strengthen controls on American firms exporting microchips and the equipment used to make them, while upping the pressure on allies to follow suit.
2022-1013. As companies make microchip factories in the US, the US tries to limit the technology that is sent to China.
2022-1017. US ends imports of China's Huawei, ZTE telecommunications equipment.
2022-1027. Former Chinese President Hu Jintao — Xi Jinping's predecessor as party leader — was helped off the stage shortly after foreign media came in, sparking speculation about his health. Hu, 79, looked slightly disoriented as two assistants helped him stand but spoke briefly with Xi, whom he had been sitting next to in the front row. There was no official comment.
December 2022. White paper protests in China protest strict measures as people are locked in their apartments unable to get food, screaming out of hunger out of their window.
Later CCP relaxes COVID-19 restrictions.
After CCP relaxes lockdown, COVID-19 Out of Control in China
Hospitals, morgues, funeral parlors, crematoriums, fever clinics are all overwhelmed. Common medicines are sold out all over China.
The pro-China stance of Biden suddenly switched to anti-China around October 2022. Why?
Love the disclaimer: just as we were planning a visit to the Far Eastern Kingdumb.