Negative and Satanic values
What are godly values? What are satanic values? Or to put it another way, what are positive values and negative values?
Being kind but not coddling, allowing a person to have their own path, being supportive but not coddling or enabling, allowing a person to make mistakes so they learn and grow, understanding everyone is different for a reason, understanding everyone makes mistakes (so we can learn!) Independence and inter-dependence (working together voluntarily), not stealing, not murdering, not lying, and similar issues. The ability to make choices for the purpose of making mistakes, to learn from them. Emotional flexibility. The ability to gather facts, analyze them, and make informed decisions.
Being kind does not mean having to put up with a toxic person, or be a part of their train wreck of a life. Watching or being around these toxic people can be emotionally draining for most. This is called having good boundaries.
Independence: this means the person can get a skill to get a job to pay their bills and live on their own like a normal adult. However with social trends like people preferring to rent instead of buy a house, rent keeps going on and this makes it hard to pay rent. But buying a house, any house, is a way to control costs. The cost is the same for the mortgage period with slight fluctuations in the property tax.
Personal growth. Having experiences, and making mistakes helps one grow. If one does not learn from their mistakes (and there are a few people out there like that, I know 2) they will never grow, they will stagnate and be the same their whole lives.
Coddling to ensure a person doesn’t learn. Keeping a group of people dependent, like not providing job training for welfare recipients. Censorship. Lack of choice. Hate, violence, division, prejudice, lying (fake news).
Prejudice: assuming some thing about a person or group of people you don’t even know. Fake news might be prejudice and lies. Some of the prejudices I see are certain groups who really believe that brown people are so dumb they cannot survive without help. Other less common prejudices I see are in Christian religions, where they claim their interpretation of the bible is right and all others are wrong. This is part of the immature black and white thinking.
Black and white thinking. This is the type of thinking that is common to children, they think there is only one way to do things right, and all the other ways are wrong. But as we learn and grow we find the world is much more complex, and that we sometimes must say a white lie to protect the emotionally fragile.
Racism: Prejudice based on race.
Bigotry: having a closed mind. The mind must be open enough to let good ideas in but not so open the brain falls out.
Emotional fragility. This is when a person is so emotionally fragile that they have trouble dealing with every day stresses. They might be emotionally fragile due to high anxiety (anxiety disorder) or PTSD. Many cases of PTSD go undiagnosed due to the person’s habit of minimizing their own needs. There are standardized tests online that a person can take to determine if they have PTSD, but this requires that they are honest and balanced in looking inside themselves.
Coddling. I’ve read studies and articles on coddling that shows that if it gets too bad, it produces an adult child incapable, or mostly incapable, or doing basic adult things on a regular basis, thus coddling is considered toxic, and in extreme cases, it is abuse. However the MSM won’t allow these studies in the news. However trauma often produces an adult child that cannot function very well in the adult world.
Enabling. An enabler can provide support for a dysfunctional person by supporting their dysfunction, or by simply saying nothing. An example is if a person provides an alcoholic money, alcohol, or simply says nothing at all and looks the other way.
Shame, guilt, fear. Some churches and other groups use these tools in a most subtle way to influence people. It’s dangerous because of how subtle it is because most people would not notice this.
Putting it together
Now that we have a foundation to determine if something is positive or negative let’s look at some examples.
If a group says you are going to hell no matter what you do that is about fear. That is a negative, or Satanic value.
If someone is prejudiced and says their holy book and interpretation is the right one, that is black and white thinking, and prejudice (they are assuming all others are wrong). That is a negative or Satanic value.
If someone stays in a bad relationship because they fear being alone, that is a negative value that does not support personal growth.
Now we can look at organizations and individuals to see patterns of their behavior. Do they consistently promote the positive, or the negative? Observe and decide for yourself.