A new false flag about bird flu killing 25% of Americans is rearing it's head again. This sounds just like 2020 COVID-19 and the 1976 flu all over again, the lethality of both were greatly exaggerated by the MSM. Be ready for a new vaccine forced on you and your children.
Expect more chickens and cows to be killed, because cows are birds because there’s an actual bird named cowbird and feelings are facts.
In 2020 it was exaggerated to sell a new mRNA vaccine that scientists agreed had too many variables that could go wrong and was dangerous, but these scientists were censored.
In 1976 the flu was exaggerated and the claim was it would kill many more children than normal. A new needle-less injector was used but found to be unable to use a consistent pressure and hurt a lot of kids. This new injector is no longer in use much at all in the US. But the sellers made their profit and that’s all that mattered.
H5N1 contact tracing begins at multiple dairy farms in Colorado. This isn't even peak flu season.
comment by the CEO of a small pharma company that is making AIV "vaccine" who announced that bird flu will kill hundreds of thousands of people. FDA, CDC, all of them know better including the CEO, that cases of bird to human influenzas are exceeding rare and share a common setting-the birds are packed into a very small space, bird detritus and filth, no to little air circulation, and daily exposure from working in said space. I think there have been 848 cases worldwide in 20 years, and just over half of those result in fatality. Many of those cases involve people who are poor, usually underfed, and under great pressure just to barely subsist. Just like most diseases affecting humans, sanitation and nutrition prevent such diseases. The other thing is, AIV requires birds' basal temperature - birds run much warmer than mammals do.
And again - the PCR "test" problem. Bird producers have taken some of the culled bird bodies to be necropsied, and the findings have been ZERO sign of AIV. Bird producers, backyard chicken owners know almost immediately if AIV is in their flock. There are dead birds. The CDC publication about the red eyed man in TX is very cagey about its PCR, and talks about "models" it relied upon to conclude the red eyed man had contracted AIV. In addition, the PCR "tests" used are only for the one strain. As we know, influenzas mutate very quickly. That strain cannot still be around, but they are making it appear to be around.
Here is the CDC write up of the man with red eyes case in TX. Note the generalizations, giving the appearance of great weight by citing everyone that had something to with the case, the conflating, the PCR make, and weight given to models among other deceptive techniques: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/spotlights/2023-2024/h5n1-analysis-texas.htm