On Amazon Prime Music service.
The Amazon Music service allows you to play music or listen to podcasts if you have paid for Amazon Prime. But it’s a limited service. The way you train the service is by liking a song (which puts it in your rotation), or disliking it. There is also a hourly limit for the number of times you can skip a song for the free version. Getting unlimited skips per hour means paying more for the music service.
There is also a limit on the number of dislikes per hour, which also skips the song. I tried to fast forward the song to near the end by moving the slider but I could not do that either.
So the service that comes with Prime is a limited service. Right now the cost is $8.99usd per month.
You can go to https://music.amazon.com/my/library to try it if you have Prime.
At Soundcloud.com.
Another service is Spotify. I don’t have details on this service yet.
Youtube also has channels which are just playlists. There is no limit to the songs you can skip but it takes a little more work to build your own playlist. It is not “self learning”.
Phone apps
There are also free streaming services for your Iphone or Android phone. Here’s a list from 2023.