“The Prisoner” is a color TV show series from the UK from the 1960s. It is oddly captivating. The premise is a guy (the main character) resigns his position at an assumed secret government agency, but as he is packing he is gassed and taken to an island where all his needs are met. This is all summarized in every intro sequence of the show. There are about 40+ other people at the island, also presumably retired agents with knowledge too secret to have them in the general public.
The show often has a dreamlike quality, with brightly colored costumes that one would not find in intro sequence that we see of everyday life. It has some high tech devices which are used to spy on the main character simply known as #6. It also has a wireless radio box which has no power cord. And a giant white balloon which stuns or kills people who try to escape.
I recommend this show simply because it’s so odd, and I’ve never seen a story line quite like this one. This could be fun to watch over the Christmas holidays.
Here’s the first episode on Youtube.