Trump's plan to enforce freedom of speech, in the US constitution
This is a video of Trump speaking about his plan. It’s radical freedom! Liberals only like freedom of speech when they control it. “You can say anything you like as long as you agree with me.”
Trump's MASSIVE plan to ENFORCE Freedom of Speech! Trump says "Deep state" and outs the MSM as part of a conspiracy to censor. He will sign an EO to ban any federal organization from colluding to censor, limit, categorize or impede lawful speech. He will then ban federal money to label free speech as dis- or misinformation. (Many good studies about COVID-19 treatment were banned and labeled as "misinformation" by lefty sites, causing more people to die.) Trump will ID and fire any federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship. The lefty Democrats have created this situation of extreme censorship which requires extreme freedom to counter.'s-massive-plan-to-enforce-freedom:f
Censorship was key to Nazziism. Nearly 500 examples of censorship from the Democrats and their allies.