What is the USDebtclock.org website?
It shows debt at many US levels, ratios like debt to GDP, employment numbers, debt per person, and more. Below the main graph you can see tabs for more information about gold supply/demand, home sales, auto sales, energy output, gold and precious metals, and more.
There are many levels of debt in the US:
Federal debt (aka “national debt”).
State debt
Municipal (city) debt.
Personal debt from mortgages, car loans, credit cards that are not paid off every month.
Oddly enough, there are more Medicare enrollees than there are people retired.
Here is some debt for each person in the US as of 9/27/2022:
Federal debt: $92,780
State debt: $3657
Local (city) debt: $6222
Total: $102,659
You can get even more numbers from the Federal Reserve via their free service called FRED. With a free account you can set up your own dashboards with your own graphs. FRED generally only has yearly data, that is, one value per year. If you want monthly data, like monthly inflation amounts, you have to go to the source bureau to find it.
I am just happy that my tax dollars go to fund 404 - priceless!