Windows 10 & 11 now supports && operator
The && operator in unix comes between 2 commands. It means “if command1 succeeds then do command2.” A syntax is “command1 && command2”. So if command1 fails then command2 does not execute.
This week I found this operator works on both Windows 10 and 11 machines in a cmd.exe box. Try this example: “dir dir1 && dir dir2” to show the contents of 2 directories.
Well look at that, here’s documentation!
I have no idea when this first came out.
Also on Windows 11
The cmd window has also changed. It is now tabbed so you can open multiple tabs in a single window. But the settings have also changed. Setting the Layout on a cmd shortcut is ignored. To change settings you must follow these steps:
Open the cmd window.
To the right of the cmd window tab click the down arrow. Click Settings. A vertical toolbar will appear on the left of the cmd window.
On the toolbar click the Startup icon. Scroll down, expand the Launch Size thing.
Enter the starting size you want for your cmd windows.
Vee-ola! You are done!