I remain highly skeptical of mRNA as illegal to sample vials. Graphene Oxide and self assembling features have been found. https://truthcomestolight.com/how-it-all-fits-together-covid-5g-nanotech-transhumanism-charles-lieber/

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Who has analyzed the vials and found mRNA? As far as I have seen there are other items and no mRNA. https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/graphene-oxide-in-astrazeneca-vial.html And https://ussanews.com/2023/02/18/la-quinta-columna-covid-vaccines/

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Ok try this study.

A new Swedish study at Lund university published in MDPI found that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way. It's the first time that researchers have shown in vitro -- or inside a petri dish -- how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line. https://en.protothema.gr/pfizer-mrna-vaccine-goes-into-liver-and-changes-into-dna-swedish-study-finds/ "Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line": https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm published Feb 25, 2022.

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The batches of vaccines seem to be inconsistent, as reported by other sources. But the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are SUPPOSED to have mRNA, found by other third parties. The problem is the mRNA degrades rapidly at room temperature (about 72F), and so many analyses only find mRNA fragments, which apparently don't do anything. So we need to find out about what each analysis was looking for: were they looking for full mRNA that actually did something, or just mRNA fragments that were useless? So the mRNA was the red herring to get people to take the jabs.

Unfortunately I don't have the links right now.

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