"Narcissism is a personality disorder. PD’s are normally incurable and untreatable, however psychologists would still like to try and help someone."

Not if the narcissist wants to change. Bringing enough social pressure on one to induce this may be more effort than it's worth, though.

"Neuroticism means the person grows up to be an adult who thinks the world is a dangerous place when it’s not. "

Neuroticism is feeling negative feelings more strongly than is typical, or helpful.

The world is in fact, a very dangerous place. There's at least a hundred different ways you can die every single day (many of them hilarious).

But, you don't: Because you've learned to navigate the world to avoid those dangers. Doing dangerous things on purpose to demonstrate and develop this capability is critically important, especially for young men. They intuitively know this, this is why they seek adventure. Preventing this natural behavior produces weak, cowardly, feckless manchildren that are easily manipulated with fear.

Encourage young men to do adventurous things. The reward is worth the risk.

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> Not if the narcissist wants to change.

Correct. The problem here with personality disorders is most patients don't think they need to change. In this case change must be internal because the problem is the broken way of thinking. But change won't happen because they don't think they are broken. They have normalized broken-ness. Thus the problem with any treatment.

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Here is my take. Narcissism is a psychiatric disorder, which usually requires some kind of treatment to affect change. Therapy, drugs, exercise. (Floating your own boat)

Gas lighting is a learned behavior, and much of it involves lying. Government and mainstream media need to stop.

We need to stop. I believe that we will start developing emotional/psychiatric disorders from trying to determine which threats are threats, and which threats are lies.

It is abuse, and our population will start acting like battered and abused individuals en masse.

I think that it would be helpful if we could find a way to re-establish our equilibrium. Our health is suffering in so many ways that our emotional health is finally failing.

That would be a boon, refreshing our mental health.

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Correction above “ not use a vaccine analogy “

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Interesting but I have many problems with these arguments. Firstly, I would not use a vaccine analogy to promote any form of parenting which I am trying to see is the right way to parent. Vexine = bad.

Secondly, this explosion of mental illness in kids is most certainly not due to coddling but to repeated injury to their brains by multiple factors like EMF, vexine , pollution and other toxins. Coddling is the least of the worries of this generation. We have been experimenting on them like Guinea pigs

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The high increase of mental illness most likely has multiple causes, coddling is just one. Being negatively bombarded by negative media is another factor. Lack of person-to-person interaction, and the resulting lack of of development of social skills another. Toxic peers and parents is another. Toxic food, meds and vaccines another. Studies show glyphosate is in the food system in Europe and the US, but how food has it is not well known.

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Coddling, imho, is a euphemism for child abuse via neglect of the requirements of proper child development.

Dr Haight’s book The Coddling of America spells out the cultural thinning of skin of an entire generation. Or 2.

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