The mRNA of the vx crosses the blood/brain barrier & triggers the hidden physical problem in the individual. Since every one of us has incredibly different genes in us that make us unique, the vx triggers the ones that are susceptible. These are ones that even very healthy people don't know about their bodies. I think this is why young people are dying from things they wouldn't have had they refused the jab! As an example, many years ago, I worked with a woman who had 5 children, 4 of them had an extremely rare disease. They did not develop beyond 6 months and then had to be institutionalized. My colleague and her husband each carried the very rare gene that when they copulated created the children who never developed. We receive these rare genes from thousands of ancestors and who knows what lurks in our bodies??? For this & many other reasons I will not get the jab or any other mRNA experiment!!!

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> The mRNA of the vx crosses the blood/brain barrier

I've heard of that.

> & triggers the hidden physical problem in the individual

Which physical problems are you referring to that are triggered? I have not heard of this before.

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I suggest you go to this webpage & study it. https://openvaers.com/covid-data Most of the people listed with the different injuries or deaths did not know they had the genetic link that would cause a debilitating disorder or death when given the jab. Most people know very little about their bodies & leave everything medical up to their doctors who, by-in large, are owned by the pharmaceutical companies. So when a person has a problem, the person goes to the doctor who then prescribes a drug for the problem. Person feels good but doesn't do any more work to learn why or what caused the problem. The CV19 vx came along & people, without doing any homework, went along with the mandates & what their doctor said. Very sadly many are now dead.

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The COVID-19 vaccines, the big pharma's greatest invention since penicillin, are milk and honey... Everybody should get them, daily (to "charge" their immune system). In the unlikely event they do not cross the BBB, they should be injected into the head, directly (using lead nano particles - LNPs)!

On the same topic, I hope that our saviors from the big pharma can make a climate change vaccine (yes, they can) and anti-radiation vaccine (we might need this one soon).

Get your boosters, people!

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Btw fuck mask

Vax does more harm than good

Mask are a joke

Stop 🛑 pretending

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