Wow! This is great reporting and cutting edge stuff, but you do not draw the spiders web together into a coherent pathology. The connecting tissue, I believe is franktalkine released from monocytes that cause permanent remodelling of endothelium and microvasculature via NFKb inflammasome and tau pathologies. Also, platelets have ACE-2 receptors on them and are generated from the lungs. Activation of platelets leads to massive histamine release.

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Thank you!

Do you feel that EXOSOMES may be play here?


"Dr Hervé Seligmann said that, in his opinion, the transfer of spike protein/accompanying substances from vaccinated to unvaccinated can occur through all fluids excreted by the vaccinated: mucus (cough or even normal breathing), sexual intercourse, breast milk ..."

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Thankyou for your research. The masses need to read this!

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Thank you. This is valuable information that needs to be spread far and wide.

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