Here are some different ways to take notes, that you can access from any browser can be really handy.
My preferred (and highly recommended) note taking tool is TheBrain:
There are a huge number of great features in the paid version, but the full note taking functionality is also available in the free version.
Desktop and web versions are both available ~ and TheBrain's new web version is great, even for mobile devices:
For those who are interested, you can see a variety of sample "brains" on the preceding and following links:
My preferred (and highly recommended) note taking tool is TheBrain:
There are a huge number of great features in the paid version, but the full note taking functionality is also available in the free version.
Desktop and web versions are both available ~ and TheBrain's new web version is great, even for mobile devices:
For those who are interested, you can see a variety of sample "brains" on the preceding and following links: